Get Involved

Want to join us and meet some cool and awesome people? Want to improve diverisity in the field of data science? Have an idea for widening the data science community? Here are different ways that you can get involved and start making a difference.


Ways to Support Us


become a volunteer

Our passionate volunteers make the magic happen! If you are interested in helping our daily projects, maintaining our social media, or organizing our annual conference, follow us on Facebook to get the latest recruiting news!


become a sponsor Partner

Being a sponsor or a partner is a great way to support our projects or initiatives. Sponsors and partners support us in a variety of ways. Contact us to become our sponsor or partner and help us achieve our vision.


launch a project with us

Got an idea for new initiative? Want to launch a project that widens the data science community? Are you thinking of using data science to do social good? We'd love to hear your idea and help you jump-start your plan.



We'd love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out if you have comments or questions. Or simply want to chat!